
Sankalpa-Women’s alliance for peace, justice and democracy is an alliance of diverse women’s organizations. Sankalpa is dedicated to ensure women’s equal opportunity in the state making process irrespective of caste, ethnicity, religion, language, occupation or degree of physical ability. Its objective is that diverse groups of women are visibly engaged at all levels of state mechanism and peace building processes. It has defined itself as “mission 50/50”, meaning proportionate and representative participation of women at all levels of peace process and all state structures.

Nepali women has been successful in getting 33% of representation constitutionally at all levels of decision making. Hence, in recent years, Nepali women’s participation in politics and decision making has received significant attention across the world. It has been collective efforts of women from all sectors and Sankalpa’s effort and contributions has remarkable share in it. In spite of this achievement, still Nepali women remain seriously underrepresented in decision making.

Our “Mission 50/50” truly reflects that more than half percent of the world’s population are women but they lack access to political decision making as compared to their counter parts at all levels of government. Women’s equal participation in decision making and politics is therefore not only a demand for peace, justice and democracy but a necessary pre-condition for women’s interests to be taken into account.

 Background of the Conference

Sankalpa with an aim to discuss on the issues of South Asian women to form diverse women’s network in South Asia, a two days South Asian Regional Conference will be organized on 25th & 26th January 2019. This conference will respect the core value of diversity while selecting participating organization from South Asian region, which is also the core value of Sankalpa. This conference will try to reach their development potential and to live in justice, peace in democracy and will require good relationship, partnership and collective effort in South Asian countries and work in well-coordinated way. It is a vital that the women and key allies will be identified for the networking which will create a group of supporters of women’s movement and facilitate in breaking and providing breakthrough for the existing barrier for women.

The conference will ensure cross learning of experiences and success stories on women related issues and affirmative action in South Asian context. The issues like free mobility of women within the SAARC countries (for free visa), violence against women and SAARC women’s fund will also be raised and discussed during the conference.


  • Perceive the challenges of women all over South Asia
  • Assemble the issues of women in South Asia
  • To bridge the gaps of South Asian Women into SAARC agenda
  • To develop relationship, potential, partnership and work collectively for peace and justice
  • To contribute our capabilities, experience and knowledge


  • Analyze 18 declarations of SAARC to identify its gaps and challenges with gender perspectives
  • Identification of emerging as well as common issue of women in SAARC countries
  • Discuss on the issues of South Asian Women to form diverse women’s network in South Asia